Team Declaration

Team Premium is the alliance of sellers providing top quality products around the world. It is a group of professionals who decided to combine their efforts and experience to provide fast and qualified support and delivery.

Our mission is to fight numerous and dishonorable scams flooded DeepWeb.

Team Premium declare the highest value clients’ satisfaction:

  1. Team member is obliged to do his best to make their client happy.
  2. Team member will never sell anything that may cause any damage, including reputation, to his client.
  3. In case team member sells anything that requires specific knowledge, it is his responsibility to give that knowledge to his clients.
  4. Team member is obliged to provide only top quality products in a specific sphere.
  5. Team member is not allowed to overprice his products.
  6. Team member is obliged to replace a product in case of it’s malfunction or make a 100% refund by client’s request.
  7. Failure to follow any of clauses above leads to disqualification.

Team Premium was founded on January 5, 2019. Members first met on Undermarket marketplace and since then decided to stick together.

Team Premium line-up:

  1. Premium CCS
  2. Premium iPhones (ex. Zenda iPhones)
  3. Gifter

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